

Global Peace and Conflict Simulation Games (G-PACS)

This game has been developed by Yusuke Ishikawa (organizer of this game) and Shun Kawachi(co-organizer of this game) since 2015 inspired by “World Peace Game”, “Japan Model United Nations,” and case studies in Dispute Resolution Research Center of Northwestern University etc.


Bank Transparency in Hungary

Corruption is one of the most serious global issues. While practitioners in private companies, civil society organizations, and international organizations have actively engaged in corruption-reduction efforts in Europe and beyond over the last few decades, these reforms have not been satisfactory. For example, 18 percent of Hungarian citizens “know someone who takes or has taken bribery”, while the Hungarian government is regularly criticized by both academics and civil society organizations for the state capture of public procurement. Regarding the banking sector, there is another serious issue, money laundering, on top of corruption and bribery. Globalization has enabled criminals to more easily launder money through placement, layering…